Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pictures of Isabella and Update......

We are moving right along with our adoption.  We have just finished our home study visit last week and next for us will be our finger prints through Homeland Security.  We also sent a care package so please pray that Wynn has received his goody package and the nanny's are taking lots of pictures.  We are so excited Wynn is joining our family.  Isabella talks about baby brother all the time.  She is so sweet!  Wynn's bedroom is coming along.  Isabella loves playing in his room with his very cool toys.  Enjoy the attached pictures and we'll keep everyone posted when we here more news about our adoption journey.  Keep us in your prayers. 
God bless--- Frank, Dawn, & Isabella 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Isabella Update and Exciting News!!!

     Well it's been nine months since our last post.  We've been busy, busy, busy.  First let me tell you about Isabella.  Since her surgery in October, her Cleft Palate has really healed very well.  Isabella still has a good appetite and most of all her teeth are now in.  
     Isabella celebrated her birthday last month and is now 2 years old!!  She is learning new words everyday and is getting really good at using them.  Her personality has really blossomed. She is such a sweet girl.  She still loves watching Sesame Street and reading books at bed time.  She is really into coloring and likes it when her Baba colors with her too.  We bought a bicycle seat to fit on dawn's bike and we usually take a bike ride at least once or twice a week.  She loves bike riding especially since we're doing all the pedaling.  When Isabella rides with Dawn she rubs her back and when she rides with me she says, "Go Baba".  She's so fun to be around.  We are truly having the best time and we feel so blessed that God has placed her in our family. 
     Yesterday marked our one year anniversary of getting Isabella.  We celebrated with a home cook family dinner, balloons and cake!!  Isabella was so happy.  Dawn and I keep referring to yesterday as Isabella Day.
     Okay, now for the exciting news!!  Dawn and I are opening our hearts to adopting another child and we've already been matched with a beautiful little boy from China.  We decided to name him Francis Wynn Fegel.  We like to refer to him as Wynn for short.  He is from the same province as Isabella and also has Cleft Lip and Palate.  His lip has been repaired and we hope to travel sometime before next summer to pick him up.  We are so excited about Wynn and Isabella is already calling him brother.  We ask that everyone keep Wynn and us in your prayers. 
     I'm going to post pictures from the last couple of months so everyone can see Isabella.  I won't be able to post pictures of Wynn until we receive our letter of acceptance from China.  We will post monthly updates so everyone can keep track of what's going on.  Pictures will be uploaded before the end of the week.
Thank you and God bless, The Fegels